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Contemporary United States History, 1940-Present
Schedule of Classes and Reading Assignments
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Lecture Summaries
Review Sheets
Writing Assignment

General Course Information

16A: 168   The Contemporary United States: 1940-Present

Wednesdays, 6:30-9:00 PM
3 Schaeffer Hall
Instructor: Dr. Mark Carlile

Office: 174 Schaeffer Hall
Office Hours: (5:30-6:30 Wednesdays; 10:30-12:30 Thursdays; and by appointment)
Course Material is available on ICON and at

Contact Information: I can be contacted during the week by email ( or, by phone (815-343-5569), and on Twitter @mark_carlile.

           This class will examine the vast changes in the United States since the beginning of World War II, both in American foreign policy and American society. Major themes of this study of this sprawling period will be the Cold War, reform movements, the shifting structure of American politics, and the overall changes in American society during the past seventy years.


Chafe, William H., The Unfinished Journey: America Since World War II

Griffith, Robert, and Baker, Paula, Major Problems in American History Since 1945

All books are available for purchase at Iowa Book and Supply and will be placed on reserve at the Main Library. In addition, several supplemental articles may be distributed and also made available on reserve.

FINAL GRADES will be determined as follows:
30% for midterm exam (October 12)
25% for writing assignment (due November 30: details to be announced)
45% for final exam (December 14)